The Shrubberies Medical Centre


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Has your child had their pre-school immunisations?

If your child is aged between three and five years old, they should be up to date with their immunisations before starting school. These pre-school immunisations (also known as vaccinations) will help protect your child against many serious infections, for example, there is currently a large measles outbreak in London. Now is a good time to catch up with any of the usual immunisations your child may have missed as a baby or toddler. Just ask reception if you are unsure.

It is never too late to have your child immunised.


Better Health Start for Life

Start for Life Hubthe place for trusted NHS advice and guidance to help you have a healthy and happy baby during pregnancy, birth and parenthood. The first few years of a baby’s life, spanning from pregnancy to the age of two, are crucial for their healthy development. During this time, the connections formed between parents and carers and their babies foster a sense of love and security, laying the groundwork for their future well-being and mental health. Babies don’t come with a manual, but they do work hard to try to be understood. Knowing how to interpret their body language, facial expressions, noises, and cries can help you effectively meet their needs. Start for Life’s ‘If They Could Tell You…’ campaign is aimed at helping parents understand their baby’s needs, enabling them to foster strong relationships. For the latest advice on how best to build your relationship with your baby, you can find support and free resources, including tips and learning materials, at the Start for Life Hub.