Who Else Can Help?
Pharmacy First
What is Pharmacy First?
The new Pharmacy First service which includes providing advice and NHS-funded treatment for seven common conditions launched on 31 January 2024.
Under the new NHS Pharmacy First scheme, you can visit a pharmacist to receive advice and treatment for some simple illnesses, instead of going to see your doctor.
What conditions can you see your pharmacist about?
Under Pharmacy First, pharmacists can treat and prescribe medication for seven conditions. These are the conditions, and at what age, you can see the pharmacist about:
Condition |
Age range |
Acute Otitis Media - Earache Impetigo Infected insect bites Shingles Sinusitis Sore throat Uncomplicated urinary tract infections
1 to 17 years 1 year and over 1 year and over 18 years and over 12 years and over 5 years and over Women 16-64 years
Anyone not within these age ranges should see their GP.
As well as all of the above, some pharmacies can also help with...
Emergency Contraception - Supply Condoms / Chlamydia screening and treatment after a positive urine sample
Travel Immunisations - Hep A, Hep B, Japanese Encephalitis, Meningitis ACWY, Meningitis B, Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio, Rabies, Tick bourne Encephalitis, Typhoid oral and injection, Cholera) plus anti-malarial tablets.

Simple Wound Care Clinic
What is the simple post-op wound care service?
Most cuts and grazes can be treated at home and will start to heal in a few days. But some wounds may need to be treated by a medical professional if there's a risk of infection, if the injury is serious, or if you have recently had an operation.
Simple wound care services are available across North East London to support you with managing wounds such as skin ulcers, first degree burns, post-surgical sutures, clips removal and routine dressings.
When should I access the simple wound care service?
You should make an appointment with the service when you are advised by your doctor or nurse that you need your wound to be cared for with a dressing.
What can be treated?
Post-surgical sutures and clips (Aged 16 & Over)
Acute wounds
Superficial skin ulcer management
First degree superficial burns
Book online https://app.10to8.com/book/redbridgeswc/ Use Option 2
If you are unable to book online, then you can book by calling: 07935 534 762.
There are a number of clinics that you can choose from. Simply select the location from the drop down menu then select a date and time that is convenient for you.

Minor Eye Conditions
Are you suffering from any of the following?
- Blurred Vision, Watering eyes
- Dry eye, Red / Pink eye
- Floaters / Flashing lights
- Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis
- Itchy / Burning eyes
- Allergic eye disease
- Mild pain / discomfort in the eyes
- Eyelid lump and styes
- In growing eyelash
- Post-operative cataract assessment / monitoring
- Stable glaucoma monitoring
If the answer is yes, an ophthalmologist is the professional
who can treat you best, as long as you are registered with
a GP in Redbridge:-
Care Optics, 14 The Broadway, Woodford Green 020 3551 6075
Bayfields,135a George Lane, South Woodford, 020 8989 1996
Woodford Eye Clinic, 449 Woodford High Rd, Woodford Green 0203 951 7192
Ellis Bass Optometrists, 25 High St. Barkingside 020 8550 9288
Alternatively ring 111.
If you suffer sudden vision loss or extensive ocular trauma, go straight to A&E.

Sexual Health, Contraception and Unplanned Pregnancy Advice
Looking after your sexual health
It's really important to take care of your sexual health. Our trained team of sexual health professionals are here to help. We offer advice, support, contraception and access to testing and treatment. We can also refer you to other experts if we need to.
For more information click https://www.alleast.nhs.uk/

Age UK – Advice for the elderly
Age UK is the country's leading charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide companionship, advice and support for older people who need it most. Find out what local services are available to you and what activities and events are taking place in Redbridge, Barking and Dagenham

Quit Smoking
Want help to quit smoking? Our specialist advisors can help.
Redbridge Quits Smoking provides advice and support to anyone aged 12+ who is connected to Redbridge – whether they live, work, study or are experiencing homelessness in the local area.

Carers Support
Are You a Carer?
If you are, please let us know - we may be able to help you.
Did you know...as a carer you are entitled to an NHS health check and a seasonal flu vaccination, free of charge! Ask at reception for more details.
There is a wealth of information on the NHS Website for carers and about caring.
Social care and support guide - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
In Redbridge there are 27,000 carers, around 10% of the population. Redbridge Carers Support Service on 0208 514 6251 also offer a range of services and support. Visit their website at www.rcss.org.uk to find out more